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Olympic Flame Switzerland
Bodylogic StudioSponsor
Bodylogic Studio Icon
Bodylogic Studio is one of the finest massage and wellness center in Zug, Switzerland. We provide all types of relaxing therapies and beauty services which include waxing, skin care, massages and numerous other personal care services.
+4178 617 1234 | View ProfileZug, Zug Switzerland
Sensual massage ZurichSponsor
Sensual massage Zurich Icon is the addicted site that helps you to find the hottest and sensual massage where you indulge to enhance and spice up your lives. Tantra sphere is the only one and professional massage agency where you explore your body and feel the exotic personals comfort. Erotic massage Bern is an opportunity to share the same exotic fantasies as you live. We complete package for massage including Deep Tissue, Hot Stone Massage, Hot Towel-Cold Stone Facials and so on. Erotic massage Basel, sensual massage Zurich and tantric massage Geneva, use only fresh and natural ingredients of the quality to apply on your body and to ensure you receive a great experience with romantic theme. Each stroke and technique of sensual massage Basel and tantric massage Basel has a specific therapeutic benefit.
(0) 78964 3807 | View ProfileZurich, Switzerland
Origin MassageSponsor
Origin Massage Icon
Origin ist im Alltag seiner Klientinnen und Klienten treuer Begleiter und als Vertrauter immer zur Stelle, wenn es darum geht, Hindernisse im physischen Fluss des Lebens beiseite zu schaffen. Im Gespräch und über die Berührung erkennen wir Ihre Bedürfnisse und führen Sie zurück in einen Zustand der Entspannung, des Flusses. Dazu schafft Origin für Sie einen sicheren Raum, in welchem Sie ankommen und sich auf ihre Quelle – die «Origin» – besinnen dürfen. Wir kreieren das dafür benötigte Umfeld, heissen von Herzen willkommen, schaffen Vertrauen und geben ein Gefühl der Geborgenheit. Wir verstehen das Leben als Fluss, der möglichst ungehindert fliessen, seine Stärke entfalten und sein Ziel finden möchte. Im Zentrum steht für uns immer die Rückführung auf die Quelle Ihres individuellen Flusses. Wir bringen Ihren Strom wieder ins fliessen.
076 76 402 26 | View ProfileZuerich, Kanton Zuerich Switzerland
Un massage tantrique est une pratique sacrée qui nous permet d’adorer notre corps et de le traiter comme un temple.
+41 22 518 05 83 | View ProfileGenève, Genève Switzerland
happybodycosmetics Icon
Maderotherapy, laser treatments, cosmetic shop maderotherapy, lymph drainage, vacuum fit 100, laser tattoo removal, laser carbon scrub
0796648148 | View ProfileRoggwil, Switzerland
Origin MassageSponsor
Origin Massage Icon
Origin Massage ist ein treuer Begleiter und Vertrauter im Alltag seiner Klienten, immer zur Stelle, wenn es darum geht, Hindernisse im körperlichen Fluss des Lebens zu beseitigen. Im Gespräch und in der Begleitung erkennen wir Ihre Bedürfnisse und führen Sie zurück in einen Zustand der Entspannung und des Flusses.Dazu schafft Origin einen sicheren Raum, in dem Sie Ihre Quelle - den ''Origin'' - erreichen und reflektieren können. Wir schaffen die Umgebung, die Sie brauchen, heißen Sie von Herzen willkommen, schaffen Vertrauen und geben Ihnen ein Gefühl von Sicherheit, Geborgenheit und Wohlbefinden.Wir verstehen das Leben als einen Fluss, der möglichst frei fließen kann, seine Stärken entfaltet und sein Ziel findet. Im Mittelpunkt steht für uns immer der Weg zur Quelle der Kraft Ihres individuellen Flusses. Wir bringen Ihren Strom wieder zum Fließen.
+41 79 844 18 66 | View ProfileZuerich, Kanton Zuerich Switzerland
Ayurverda LuzernSponsor
Ayurverda Luzern Icon
Ayurveda Luzern, die Gemeinschaftspraxis für Gesundheit und Vitalität. Ayurveda Luzern, die Gemeinschaftspraxis in Luzern wurde von Carla Schmidt-Flepp gegründet. Mit einem Team von Therapeuten und Gesundheitsberatern bietet die Praxis ein ganzheitliches Behandlungsangebot, bei dem der Besucher im Mittelpunkt steht. Ayurveda der Weg zur Gesundheit und WohlbefindenDas ayurvedische Gesundheitssystem ist eines der ältesten ganzheitlichen Heilmethoden der Welt. Es wurde vor mehr als 3.000 Jahren in Indien entwickelt. Der indische Begriff Ayurveda bedeutet “das Wissen vom Leben” oder genauer “das Wissen von der richtigen Lebensweise”. Das Angebot von Ayurveda Luzern lässt keine Wünsche offen und reicht von der klassischen Ayurveda Behandlungen über ayurvedische Fussmassagen, Rückenbehandlungen, Ernährungsberatung, Ayurveda für Kinderwunsch bis zu Beauty Behandlungen. Ausserdem finden Sie auf der Webseite ein greosses Angebot an Workshops und Kurse.
+41 79 745 62 68 | View ProfileLuzern, Luzern Switzerland
Origin Massage WinterthurSponsor
Origin Massage Winterthur Icon
Origin Massage Zurich - fjöldinn þinn í Zürich. Viðurkennd af sjúkratryggingafélögum - engin lækningaleyfi nauðsynleg!Uppruni nudd er alltaf til staðar sem tryggur félagi og trúnaðarmaður í daglegu lífi viðskiptavina sinna þegar kemur að því að fjarlægja hindranir í líkamlegu flæði lífsins. Í samtali og með snertingu viðurkennum við þarfir þínar og leiðum þig aftur í slökun og flæði.Að auki skapar Origin öruggt rými fyrir þig þar sem þú getur komið og hugleitt um uppsprettuna þína - „Uppruna“. Við sköpum tilskildu umhverfi, fögnum ykkur hjartanlega, búum til trausts og veitum ykkur tilfinningu um öryggi, öryggi og vellíðan.Við skiljum lífið sem áin sem vill renna eins frjálslega og mögulegt er, þróa styrk sinn og finna markmið sitt. Áherslan fyrir okkur er alltaf að snúa aftur til uppsprettunnar í krafti einstaklingsflæðis þíns. Við fáum rafmagn þitt til að renna aftur.Hver meðferð í upphafsnuddinu er sérstaklega sniðin að núverandi líkamlegu og andlegu ástandi. Tilboðið inniheldur eftirfarandi nudd:Klassískt / læknisnuddDjúpt vefjanuddLækninga- og hálsnuddHandvirk eitilfrárennsliLíkamsmeðferð (Shiatsu og hefðbundin tælensk nudd)Framvinda slökunar á vöðvumSvefntruflanir, skortur á orku eða vöðvaverkir geta leitt til heimsóknar á upphafsnuddið. Svo að þú getir viðhaldið jafnri líkamlegri og andlegri líðan, er allri meðferð í nuddæfingunni í Zürich bætt við æfingar fyrir daglegt líf. Upplifðu nýjan staðal handvirkra meðferða og auka líðan þína með líkamsme
+41 44 500 02 53 | View ProfileWinterthur, Switzerland
Praxis Ganz GesundSponsor
Praxis Ganz Gesund Icon
As a certified naturopath, nutritionist and massage therapist, recognised as a health insurance company as well as EMR registered, it is important to me to take a look at you with holistic eyes and to work out an individually tailored therapy concept together with you.I see my offer as a supplement to conventional medicine and health prevention, always with the purpose of alleviating your complaints, improving your quality of life and strengthening your resources.In doing this, I attach great importance to getting to the bottom of the reasons for your symptoms and to bringing soul, body and spirit back into a harmonious balance. The essential measures for this should be easy and enjoyable to integrate into your everyday life.On your way to a healthier, more vital, and more efficient life, I will gladly accompany, inspire, and assist you with a lot of heart, humor, and positive energy.I provide you with only the most reliable treatments, and I am located in the heart of Kreis 6 Zurich in the 1st district Oberstress (postal code 8006), just a short walk away from the Zurich City Hauptbahnhof and also not far from the famous shopping street Bahnhofstrasse.My practice is located in Beckenhofstrasse 1 if you wish to come and meet me personally.
+41 79 358 45 15 | View Profile8001 Zurich Kanton Zurich, Switzerland
Jacobsen Massage ZürichSponsor
Jacobsen Massage Zürich Icon
Jacobsen Massage Zürich bietet Ihnen eine Behandlung für ihr individuelles Bedürfnis. Egal ob Sie einfach Mal nur Entspannung möchten oder mit körperlichen oder seelischen Beschwerden kommen, für jeden gibt es eine passende Behandlung. Wir bieten lockernde und tiefenentspannende Wellness Massagen mit Einflüssen aus Klassischer Massage, Thaimassage, Lomi-Lomi und balinesischen Techniken, bis hin zu starker, Blockaden lösender, medizinischer Massage, die oft mit Manueller Schmerztherapie, Schröpfen und Dorn Methode kombiniert wird. Vor oder nach dem Wettkampf/Training bieten wir eine Sportmassage an. Und Fussreflexzonenmassage so wie Craniosacral Therapie runden unser Angebot in dem energetischen Bereich ab. Sowohl aus Seefeld, Wiedikon, Altstetten oder Oerlikon, als auch aus anderen Teilen des Kanton Zürich geniessen unsere Klienten die Massagen und Behandlungen für ihr Wohlbefinden.
+41762693678 | View Profile8006 Zürich, Zürich Switzerland
Origin Massage KüsnachtSponsor
Origin Massage Küsnacht Icon
Origin Massage Küsnacht in Alte Landstrasse is our practice in beautiful Küsnacht. The small beautiful practice from Michèle and Christine is located only 5 walking minutes from the S-Bahn station, behind the old Landstrasse and the city centre. The practice benefits from its generous parking space and despite its very central location, the practice is very quiet and peaceful. The massage offer ranges from classical massage to naturopathy. Both massage therapists are very solution-focused and helping you is a matter to their heart. If you come by public transport, you can reach us through the Stop at Küsnacht train station. Our massage therapists at Küsnacht are experts in Classical Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Foot Reflexology Massage and Relaxation Massage.
View ProfileKüsnacht 8700, Switzerland
Origin Massage MeilenSponsor
Origin Massage Meilen Icon
Origin Massage Meilen is located directly at the train station and in the immediate vicinity of the shopping center, at Dorfstrasse 138 (joint practice Terra Vita in the 2nd floor). floor). The small but fine practice is in charge of our med. Masseurs Laurent. The treatments offer includes classic massage, medical massage, sports massage, fascia therapy, trigger point therapy, deep tissue, lymphatic drainage, foot reflexology, relaxation massage and pregnancy massage. Laurent is very open and empathetic, his way of working is calm and precise and he draws on a wide range of treatment methods. This creates optimal conditions for therapeutic success - whether medical or just for relaxation. The practice is characterized by its central location. Parking is available in the immediate vicinity and the train station with connection to the S-Bahn and bus network is on the opposite side of the street.
View ProfileMeilen, Zurich 8706, Zurich Switzerland
Origin Massage Kreis 4Sponsor
Origin Massage Kreis 4 Icon
Origin Massage Kreis 4 is located at Miltärstrasse 90. Our 2 experts focusing on 10, Chiron as well as Tabea, are based below in the heart of Zurich, in between Langstrasse and also the main train terminal. They both follow a holistic approach and integrate hands-on massage treatments with naturopathic medication if you desire. The massage deal includes classic massage, sports massage, maternity massage as well as medical massage. The structure entry lies in between the 2 shops Santa Monica Bikesport as well as Diepolder OptikFilliale. Please ring the bell at NHK/Health Center. Our practice gets on the 3rd floor. You can obtain right here by public transportation or vehicle.
41 79 212 64 80 | View ProfileZürich 8004, Switzerland
Origin Massage Zurich SeefeldSponsor
Origin Massage Zurich Seefeld Icon
The Origin Massage in Zurich Seefeld is our Origin Massage flagship practice. This was the initial as well as is currently the biggest of Origin's 9 areas. In the contemporary, silent and cozy setting we offer mostly all techniques. These consist of clinical massage, classic massage, pregnancy massage, sporting activities massage, naturopathy TEN, and also Standard Chinese Medication. It is a sanctuary for your health in the heart of Seefeld. We operate in five lovely treatment spaces and our specialists at this location offer a selection of therapies. From clinical massage to anti-stress massage, as well as from Traditional European Naturopathy to Traditional Chinese Medication-- anything is possible. Our clients particularly value the main location of our practice and the ideal public link (Höschgasse junction is only 100m away).
+41445002118 | View Profile8008 Zurich, Switzerland
Origin Massage WiedikonSponsor
Origin Massage Wiedikon Icon
Close to the soothing nature of the Uetliberg you will find our Origin location at Goldbrunnenplatz! In the heart of Wiedekon and with excellent connections, both to public transport and an ideal parking situation, you can reach this area wonderfully. With its soothing atmosphere, the Goldbrunnenplatz area welcomes you to kick back and allow your soul dangle. On website, Simone Cervoni is there for you as a therapist with a focus on naturopathy TEN. The practice at Goldbrunnenplatz is characterized by its wonderful place in District 3 of the city of Zurich: the Wiedikon district. Starting from the quiet residential district, which lies directly on the reduced inclines of the renowned Uetliberg, you can discover wonderful treking trails or take walks in the plant. After a calming massage, this natural environment is just things. It is also a wonderful place to relax in cafes or restaurants, or have a cup of coffee in the neighboring localities.
+41 41 510 70 12 | View ProfileZurich, 8003, Switzerland
Origin Massage Zürich AltstettenSponsor
Origin Massage Zürich Altstetten Icon
Origin Massage Zurich-Altstetten is a great place to obtain a professional massage that can assist relieve your physical ailments. The practice is led by co-owner and also training manager Goran, who along with his team of expert masseurs, can supply a range of massage treatments, including classic massage, medical massage, pregnancy massage, and sports massage, among others. Located simply 5 minutes away from the Altstetten train station, the practice is conveniently located and also easily accessible. The Altstetten location is one of one of the most contemporary places, situated in a new building. It boasts visitor parking spaces located straight before the house/practice building, enabling quick and easy access to the treatment. The Altstetten district, previously an independent community, is now part of the city of Zurich and is the most populous district in the city, with approximately 33,000 people. For osteopathic and physiotherapeutic treatments, BodyLab is a recommended option, as they are located in the same building downstairs on the ground floor at Albulastrasse 50, 8048 Zurich. On the whole, if you are searching for a specialist massage in a contemporary and also comfy setting, Origin Massage Zurich-Altstetten is a great option. With a group of professional masseurs and a range of treatment methods available, you can rest assured that you will remain in good hands.
41715110214 | View Profile8048 Zürich, Switzerland
Gbreift Icon
Gbreift : fussreflexzonenmassage, fussmassage, fussexperte, hypnose
+41 52 740 51 51 | View ProfileWinterthur, Switzerland
Origin Massage ChurSponsor
Origin Massage Chur Icon
Gemeinsam mit unserer Therapeutin Simone haben wir einen Standort von Origin Massage im zauberhaften Chur eröffnet. Tauche ein in die gemütlichen und liebevoll eingerichteten Praxisräume und lass deine Seele baumeln. Dich erwartet ein vielseitiges Angebot an Behandlungsmethoden, darunter beliebte Massagen wie die Klassische Massage, Medizinische Massage, Sportmassage, Faszientherapie, Triggerpunkttherapie und Tiefengewebsmassage. Außerdem bieten wir auch Lymphdrainage, Fußreflexzonenmassage, Schwangerschaftsmassage und Naturheilpraktik an.
41815112115 | View Profile7000 Chur, Switzerland
Origin Massage UsterSponsor
Origin Massage Uster Icon
Discover the epitome of relaxation in the heart of Uster at Origin Massage, a haven of tranquility boasting four treatment rooms adorned in a stylish fusion of Japanese and also Scandinavian design. With its minimalist, functional, warm, and also soothing ambiance, Origin Massage offers a unique retreat in this picturesque Swiss city.Prepare to immerse yourself in a delightful atmosphere where you can book a range of diverse treatment methods provided by our highly trained therapists. At this location, you'll find skilled medical masseurs and naturopathic specialists. They offer popular massage techniques and holistic health consultations, including the renowned Liebscher & Bracht pain therapy.Among the array of treatments available at this location, you can choose from classic massage, medical massage, sports massage, maternity massage, fascial therapy, trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage, reflexology, and also naturopathy based upon the TEN principles.Situated on Gerbestrasse, our practice benefits from its proximity to the train station and also the charming Old Town, with reserved bicycle and also car parking spaces right at the doorstep.Uster's enchanting surroundings beckon you to enjoy a relaxed day. Following a rejuvenating session with our professional therapists, take advantage of the opportunity for a leisurely stroll by the lake. We always suggest setting aside some personal time to fully savor your massage experience.
+41 44 515 24 90 | View ProfileUster, 8610, Switzerland
Origin Massage WülflingenSponsor
Origin Massage Wülflingen Icon
We are thrilled to introduce our latest haven of relaxation, Origin Massage Wülflingen, nestled in the heart of Winterthur!Our expert therapists at this location offer a diverse range of services, including the Classic Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, and Foot Reflexology. In addition, as a certified Naturopath 10, we provide Nutritional Counseling following TEN principles, Phytotherapy, Foot Massage, and also Detoxification techniques.Step into our tranquil practice and also immerse yourself in the soothing ambiance of Wülflingen district. Here, you can unwind, let go of stress, and indulge in a rejuvenating treatment that will leave you feeling revitalized.Following the success of several Origin Massage locations, we are excited to extend our services to Wülflingen. Origin Massage Wülflingen is a testimony to our commitment to bringing the benefits of expert massage therapy to your doorstep.After your therapeutic massage at Origin Massage Wülflingen, why not enhance your wellness journey by exploring the scenic beauty in its surroundings or savoring a cup of coffee at one of the charming neighborhood cafes? We extremely suggest taking some time for yourself post-treatment to fully absorb the relaxation and ensure lasting well-being.Origin Massage Wülflingen is more than just a place for massages; it's a destination for holistic well-being. Allow our skilled therapists and also the serene atmosphere of the city guide you toward relaxation and also revitalization.
41 79 844 18 66 | View ProfileWinterthur, Switzerland
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